About the ESSIC Seminar Series
As a way to foster interdisciplinary collaborations, ESSIC has developed an innovative lunch-time Seminar series, held on Mondays during the calendar school-year. These seminars are held from 2:00-3:00 PM either remotely or in room 4102 of the ESSIC suite at the University of Maryland Discovery District research park.
ESSIC seminars cover a broad range of earth science studies and are known for bringing unique interdisciplinary views to the science community and the public. Past speakers include leaders from NOAA/NASA, field researchers, National Academies fellows, and Nobel Prize winners. The seminar event is broadcast to over 1,000 email recipients across the world including UMD, NOAA/NCEP/NESDIS, NASA GSFC, PNNL JGCRI, etc.
For questions about the ESSIC Seminar Series, please see the ESSIC Seminar Resources and Procedures information or contact the seminar coordinator Dr. John Xun Yang at jxyang@umd.edu.
Schedule and Archive
The seminar schedule for the current semester can be found on the Upcoming Seminars page. For past seminars, please refer to the seminar archive spreadsheet, which the seminar coordinator regularly updates with the flyers and recordings of past and current seminars.
Seminar Recordings
All seminar recordings since 2018 are available for public viewing on the ESSIC YouTube channel. Seminars from the current semester are uploaded onto the channel within a few days of their occurrence.