Petković Presents at UMD’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Seminar Series

On September 5, ESSIC/CISESS scientist Veljko Petković presented the second seminar of the season at the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, a talk entitled “Emulating Passive Microwave Satellite Products: Information Content and Uncertainties”.


During the talk, Petković talked about using existing available spatiotemporally continuous satellite products to replicate the information typically offered by sparse low-earth-orbit passive microwave sensor observations. Specifically, he described how GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager infrared bands could be used to predict otherwise unavailable passive microwave brightness temperatures over oceans at frequencies and accuracies suitable for operational use in precipitation-related applications. The talk was well-attended by graduate students and faculty.


Petković is an Associate Research Scientist at ESSIC. He joined the university in 2017 after graduating at the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University. His research interests are in hydrology, atmospheric radiative transfer, and microwave remote sensing, with focus on satellite retrievals, cloud microphysical processes and their interactions with a large-scale environment.

This article was put together by the CISESS coordinators based on scientist input.

Picture of Debra Baker

Debra Baker

Debra Baker is the Coordinator for the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) at the University of Maryland. She received her M.S. in atmospheric science from the University of Maryland, College Park. Before joining ESSIC in 2013, she worked on air quality issues at the Maryland Department of the Environment. Debra also has a law degree from Harvard Law School.

Picture of Kate Cooney

Kate Cooney

Katherine Cooney is a part-time faculty assistant at the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS). Kate received a B.S. in environmental science and policy from the University of Maryland (UMD), College Park. She later earned a M.S. in geology from UMD, while investigating the isotopic fractionation of precipitation nitrate under the guidance of Distinguished University Professor James Farquhar. After graduation, she worked as an air-quality specialist at the Mid Atlantic Regional Air Management Association in Baltimore, Maryland. While her family was stationed in Tokyo, Japan, she dedicated her time serving military families and the local community. She is grateful for the opportunity to return to earth system studies, supporting the CISESS Business Office and assisting the CISESS Coordinator Deb Baker since January 2021.

Picture of Maureen Cribb

Maureen Cribb