ESSIC / CICS-MD scientist James Reagan was recently published in the journal Scientific Reports. The article, titled “Water Vapor Transfer and Near-Surface Salinity Contrasts in the North Atlantic Ocean”, is a study of the subtropical-subpolar atmospheric moisture transport in the North Atlantic Ocean. This study was an effort to examine the freshwater transport between positive and negative Evaporation-Precipitation (E-P) regions in the region.
The scientists found a negative correlation between evaporation/high salinity in the subtropical region and precipitation/low salinity in the subpolar region. The findings suggest that near-surface salinity could estimate changes in the hydrological cycle.
Reagan is a senior faculty specialist for ESSIC/CICS-MD with an affiliation with NOAA and the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, formally known as NODC). His current research focus seeks to attain a better understanding of salinity/freshwater variability in the global ocean, which could shed new light on the hydrological cycle.
To read the piece in full, click here: Water Vapor Transfer and Near-Surface Salinity Contrasts in the North Atlantic Ocean.