Satellite Calibration and Validation
Satellite sensor calibration and validation efforts have been integral components of ESSIC’s research and development activities, supporting a range of satellite instruments, including those operated by NASA and NOAA. These efforts play a crucial role in monitoring and understanding changes in the Earth’s environment, enhancing weather forecasting capabilities, tracking climate trends, and providing valuable data for sustainable resource management and disaster mitigation strategies.The ESSIC Satellite Cal/Val affinity group serves as a platform to bring together scientists and researchers specializing in satellite sensor calibration and validation, fostering collaboration among individuals who may not regularly have the opportunity to work together. Our group convenes regularly, offering a space for sharing scientific progress through both formal and informal discussions. Additionally, this affinity group facilitates enhanced interactions and interdisciplinary engagement among members across various fields. Collaboration, interaction, knowledge sharing, and fostering interdisciplinary engagement are the core principles guiding our group’s activities.
Affinity Group Chair

Xi Shao
Research Scientist
Research Interests:
Radiometric calibration and validation for VNIR and IR imaging sensor such as VIIRS and ABI. Inter-calibration/validation among microwave, infrared and radio occultation sounding sensors. Radiometer hardware integration for drone systems and field campaigns. Experienced in antenna design for various RF communication applications. Plasma physics-related projects such as space weather modeling and prediction, satellite protection through radiation belt remediation, ionosphere heating experiment and modeling, and laser proton accelerator design.
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