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Figure: Field experiments with the RHG-BRDF system over grass, soil and sand scenes and its calibration with a reflectance reference board.

CISESS Seed Grant Project Develops a Robotic RHG-BRDF Measurement System

During its one-year funding period, this CISESS Seed Grant project expanded the work of the student-oriented CISESS Remote Sensing Laboratory by building equipment for post-launch radiometric validation using in situ measurements of reflective solar band calibration. ESSIC/CISESS Scientist Xi Shao, along with Sirish Uprety, Tung-Chang Liu, and Xin Jin, developed a Robotic Hyperspectral Ground Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (RHG-BRDF) measurement system. Once built, they worked with three undergraduate students to perform field hyperspectral measurements of different ground targets. The student also developed python modules for converting measurements to hyperseptral reflectance, data visualization and analysis.

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Caption:: A 6th grade class from New Hope Academy visited ESSIC/CISESS on 11/7/2023. (Top from left to right) Malar Arulraj explains how to “make a cloud in a bottle”; Veljko Petković uses a Lego model to teach about satellites; Hu Yang leads student a wearing “bat eyes”. (Center) Intern Ashmita Pyne instructs students wearing VR headsets. (Bottom from left to right) Guangyang Fang explains VR visualization; Hu Yang demonstrates an ultrasonic breadboard; Joseph Patton & Daile Zhang teach a lightning safety game. (Center photo by G. Fang; Top right and bottom center photos by K. Cooney; all other photos by A. Hughes.)

CISESS Hosts Outreach Event for Local Students

Last month, CISESS hosted a field trip for a 6th grade class from New Hope Academy. Twenty
students and five adults visited the ESSIC offices and participated in educational activities led
by CISESS scientists. CISESS Coordinator Kate Cooney organized and coordinated the event.

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A screenshot of the virtual attendees at the summer intern party

CISESS Welcomes Summer Interns in 2022

This past summer, ESSIC’s Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) welcomed 22 interns to assist in the research of 24 ESSIC/CISESS scientists. Of the interns, three were graduate students, 14 were undergraduates and five were high school students. Several of these students were returning interns from previous semesters.

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AMS Annual Meeting 2022 logo

ESSIC/CISESS at AMS Conferences

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting was held virtually this year from January 23 to 27. Simultaneously, AMS held a number of specialized conferences and symposiums, focusing on topics including hydrology, climate variability and change, and atmospheric chemistry. ESSIC/CISESS scientists contributed a large number of talks and posters at the event. Talks included:

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