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Year: 2023

ESSIC Featured in Fifth National Climate Assessment

ESSIC Assistant Research Scientist Justin Pflug is an author attributed on the Fifth National Climate Assessment, the U.S. Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. The congressionally-mandated effort provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States. Pflug is attributed on two chapters, “Water” and “Compound Events”.

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Updated High-Resolution Northern North Pacific Regional Climatology Released

On November 7th, ESSIC/CISESS Scientist Alexey Mishonov and the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) released the Northern North Pacific regional climatology, version 2. This is a collection of high-resolution quality-controlled temperature and salinity fields retrieved from the latest World Ocean Database (WOD23) on standard depth levels from the sea surface to 5,200 m depth covering the period from 1955 to 2022.

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Figure: Precipitation system observed at 0725 UTC 11 Aug 2020, over the U.S. Midwest. MRMS surface precipitation product (observations) on the left and U-Net output on the right.

Optimal Summertime Precipitation Data from GEO and LEO Observations 

ESSIC/CISESS Scientists Veljko Petković, Malarvizhi Arulraj, and CISESS Summer Intern Vesta Gorooh (UCI PhD student) have a new article in the November issue of the Journal of Hydrometeorology. The article describes the use of machine learning techniques to improve the retrieval of surface precipitation from passive meteorological sensors aboard geosynchronous Earth-orbiting (GEO) and low Earth-orbiting (LEO) satellites.

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Summer 2023 water temperature anomaly map for Chesapeake Bay shows a 1 degree C decrease in temperature compared to a 2007-2022 baseline, indicating favorable conditions for several key fish species, according to the seasonal fishery impacts report released by the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office and containing data generated by UMD/ESSIC/CISESS.

Chesapeake Bay has ‘favorable’ summer, finds ESSIC-supported NOAA report

The Virginian-Pilot featured a news article on November 5 highlighting a NOAA report containing an operational satellite data product from ESSIC/CISESS Senior Faculty Specialist Ron Vogel. The report, Synthesis of Environmental Impacts on Key Fishery Resources in the Chesapeake Bay, is released seasonally by the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office and is used by regional fishery managers to help guide management decisions.

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English: A top view scene of someone doing some research and going through the pages of a book and using a magnifying glass on it. The scene happens on a wooden background. There are also some other research related items in the scene, such as: sticky notes, pencil, ruler or notebook

ESSIC Scientists Earn NASA HBG Peer Awards

NASA recently announced the selections for the 2023 Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics (HBG) Annual Peer Awards. Several ESSIC scientists were awarded for scientific achievement and scientific/technical support. The ceremony commemorating these awards was held on Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 2:00pm.

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