Researcher: Junye Chen
Grant Sponsor: NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Amount: $100,331
Grant Study: “Minimizing the Impact of Changes in the Observing System on a New NASA Reanalysis to Advance the Understanding of Climate Change”
Researcher: Luis DeGoncalves
Grant Sponsor: NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Amount: $161,608
Grant Study: “The Data-Model Intercomparison Project for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment of the Amazon”
Researcher: Michael Evans
Grant Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $485,258 “P2C2: ENSO Paleoclimatology in Queensland, Australia”
Researcher: Michael Evans
Research Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $173,181
Grant Study: “Acquisition of a Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Analyzer for Tropical Paleoclimatology”