Task 213

Applications, Evaluation, and Improvement of Goddard Multi-scale Modeling System

Principal Investigator(s):

B-W. Shen


W. Tao

Last Updated:

October 26, 2012 15:25:47

Description of Problem

To examine the impacts of resolved moist processes on the short-term and long-term climate simulations with the MMF.

Scientific Objectives and Approach

During the execution of year 2011, two major tasks which were performed under the support of this mater grant are (1) implementation of two-level parallelism in the fvMMF 2.0 on Pleiades supercomputer; (2) development of MJO analysis package for the verification of 30-day simulations of the selected MJO cases. We have finished the first task completely, and almost (above 90%) finished the second task. With additional support (~75% of PI’s time) from the AIST project (PI: Shen), we applied related tools to studying TC genesis that is associated with precipitation processes and tropical waves such as MJO, mixed Rossby gravity wave, equatorial Rossby wave or (African) easterly wave.


• Research results in a series of papers by Bo-Wen Shen and his colleagues are featured in a recent President’s Corner article of UCAR Magazine by Dr. Rick Anthes, which was published on May 6, 2011. This article entitled "Turning the Tables on Chaos: Is the atmosphere more predictable than we assume?”
• Invited project demonstration with the title of "Coupling Advanced Modeling and Visualization to Improve High-impact Tropical Weather Prediction" at the NASA Booth (schedule) at the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting . http://www.nas.nasa.gov/assets/pdf/AGUprogram_final.pdf
• The proposal, which is led by Bo-Wen Shen (ESSIC) with the title of “ Integration of the NASA CAMVis and Multiscale Analysis Package (CAMVis-MAP) For Tropical Cyclone Climate Study,’’ has been selected by the NASA AIST (Advanced Information System Technology) program. A list of 18 selected proposals from 88 submitted proposals can be found: http://esto.nasa.gov/files/solicitations/AIST_11/ROSES2011_AIST_A41_selections.html. The CAMVis-MAP project requested the total funding $1.16M over three years with the starting date of May 1, 2012.
• Published one journal article (IEEE CiSE)
• Submitted three journal articles (two to AGU-JGR, one to IEEE CiSE)
• For the computational tasks, we (1) finished scalable, two-level parallelism on Pleiades (distributed memory) supercomputer; (2) obtained a speedup of 79.8 by increasing the number of cores from 30 to 3335, which allows to finish a 30-day run within 41 minutes; (3) produced bit-by-bit results with different CPU configurations. All of these enable high-resolutions and higher-dimensions for Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model in the fvMMF.
• For the MJO diagnostic package, related data (scripts) have been created (developed) and are saved under /nobackup2d/bshen/NCEP_ReAna/Daily/Y2008-2011 on lou.nas.nasa.gov. A brief note is as follows:
1) pre-120d-ave: previous 120-day mean,
2) daily-120d_mean: daily – 120d_mean (from the above)
3) lat-ave: average over (lat=-15, lat=15)
4) proj-rmm: project NCEP analyses into the EOF1 and EOF2
5) plot-RMM: map the above projected values into the lat-lon grid for plotting

Other Publications and Conferences

Journal Publications:
Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, and B. Green, 2011: Coupling Advanced Multi-Scale Modeling and Concurrent Visualization Systems to Improve High-Impact Tropical Weather. Computing in Science and Engineering, IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE), vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 56-67, Sep./Oct. 2011, doi:10.1109/MCSE.2010.141

Shen, Bo-Wen, 2012c: Nonlinear Feedback in a Generalized Lorenz Model. (submitted to AGU JGR https://sites.google.com/site/bowenshen159/cv/docs/Shen-2012-GRL-draft.pdf

Shen, Bo-Wen, B. Nelson, W.-K. Tao, and Y.-L. Lin, 2012b: Advanced Visualizations of Scale Interactions of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Tropical Waves. (submitted to IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering) http://sites.google.com/site/bowenshen159/cv/docs/Shen_2011-CiSE-draft.pdf

Shen, Bo-Wen, W.-K. Tao, and Y.-L. Lin, 2012a: Genesis of Twin Tropical Cyclones as Revealed by a Global Mesoscale Model: The Role of Mixed Rossby Gravity Waves. (submitted to AGU JGR) http://sites.google.com/site/bowenshen159/cv/docs/Shen-et-al-2012-JGR-draft.pdf

Conference Presentations: