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Zou and Tian Develop a 4D-Var Vortex Initialization System

ESSIC/CISESS Research Professor Xiaolei Zou and Post-doctoral Associate Xiaoxu Tian recently published an article in Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography titled, “A comprehensive 4D-Var vortex initialization using a nonhydrostatic axisymmetric TC model with convection accounted for”. The article discusses the development of a four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) vortex initialization system meant to measure different variables of severe weather events, including temperature, …

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Mishonov and Reagan Published on Gulf Stream Long-Term Variability

Two ESSIC/CISESS scientists, Associate Research Scientist Alexey Mishonov and Senior Faculty Specialist James Reagan, recently co-authored a paper in Scientific Reports titled, “Resilience of the Gulf Stream path on decadal and longer timescales”. The Gulf Stream is a part of the strongest oceanic pacemaker of the Atlantic Ocean and perhaps the entire Earth’s climate.  Understanding the long-term variability of the Gulf Stream path is critical for resolving how the ocean works as a …

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New Study by Chen Could Help Predict Flash Droughts

ESSIC/CISESS Assistant Research Engineer L. Gwen Chen was lead author on a recent paper published in a special issue of Atmosphere titled “Flash Drought Characteristics Based on U.S. Drought Monitor”. The study discusses the characteristics of flash droughts, i.e. drought events with greater than or equal to two categories degradation in a four-week period based on the U.S. Drought Monitor.  In contrast with conventional droughts, which are mainly driven by precipitation deficits, flash …

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Zhou and Yang Published on New ATMS Geometric Calibration Based on Lunar Images

ESSIC/CISESS Scientists Jun Zhou and Hu Yang recently published an article in the journal Atmospheric Measurement Techniques titled “A Study of a Two-Dimensional Scanned Lunar Image for Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) Geometric Calibration”. The article describes a new technique they developed to validate the on-orbit beam pointing accuracy of the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) on NOAA-20 by using a 2D scanned lunar image captured during a spacecraft pitch-over …

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Bailing Li Published on Long-Term Trend of Global Groundwater and Use of Grace Data for Groundwater and Drought Monitoring

ESSIC Assistant Research Scientist Bailing Li is the lead author on two recent publications in Scientific Reports and Water Resources Research, titled “Long-term, non-anthropogenic groundwater storage changes simulated by three global-scale hydrological models” and “Global GRACE Data Assimilation for Groundwater and Drought Monitoring: Advances and Challenges”, respectively. The first paper studies the long term trend of global groundwater.  Groundwater storage was estimated by three …

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Dr. Norman Grody Brings Crowd to ESSIC Seminar Series

Last week, ESSIC hosted retired NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) scientist Dr. Norman Grody for the Seminar Series, ESSIC’s weekly event celebrating the center’s vast research.  Dr. Grody’s seminar drew over 60 in-person attendees and 30 online attendees, making it the most well-attended seminar of the year so far. Dr. Grody brought in a homemade microwave radiometer, which he constructed using information and components available on the Internet.  He was able …

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Sutton-Grier Featured in Video on Coastal Resilience

Last week, ESSIC Visiting Associate Research Professor Ariana Sutton-Grier attended a Coastal Resilience Briefing located at the Dirksen Senate Office Building.  The briefing, titled “Using Nature-Based Solutions to Reduce the Risk of Flooding, Save Tax Dollars, and Provide Important Habitat”, featured a panel of experts alongside the premiere of their new promotional video.  Sutton-Grier, an expert on coastal resilience, represented the University of Maryland alongside the event hosts …

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Coral Reef Watch Co-Authors Paper on High-Latitude Coral Bleaching in Australia

Staff from NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW), an initiative supported by the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)-administered Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS), just co-authored a new publication on high-latitude coral bleaching in Australia in Global Change Biology. The piece, “Refugia under threat: Mass bleaching of coral assemblages in high-latitude eastern Australia”, examined the effect of the 2016 mass coral bleaching event on high latitude …

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Yin Writes on Improvements in Global Forecasts of Near-Surface Variables

ESSIC/CISESS Assistant Research Scientist Jifu Yin (STAR/SMCD) is the first author of a new article in the Journal of Hydrology called “Improvements in the Forecasts of Near-Surface Variables in the Global Forecast System (GFS) via Assimilating ASCAT Soil Moisture Retrievals.” With the development of the coupled system of NCEP- Global Forecast System (GFS) and NASA – Land Information System (LIS), the authors investigated the impact of assimilating the ASCAT soil moisture dataproducts on …

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Local Eats: LaTao

If you’re into “all you can eat” hot pot, LaTao is the place to be. And a very pretty-looking place it is, awash in red (and smelling tasty as you walk in). Located at the street level of “The Enclave at 8700”, it’s the latest restaurant to find a home in College Park. All I can is, finally, a place that serves a deliciously spicy “mapo tofu”. They’re still waiting for their liquor license and are arranging for delivery/catering services, …

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