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Can meteorologists save the Chesapeake Bay?

When the nation’s leading experts in weather, water, and climate gather in Baltimore later this month for the annual conference of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), they will get a close-up view of the region’s fragile environment. The Chesapeake Bay area is under siege from a myriad of threats that are becoming more urgent with climate change, and its future economic and ecological vitality may depend in part on the ability of scientists to map out solutions to the bay’s complex and multiple stressors.

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AGU23 logo

ESSIC at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting

Last month, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) held its annual Fall meeting from December 11 to 15. ESSIC scientists presented and attended both virtually and in-person in San Francisco, CA. The following is a sample (not all-encompassing) of the ESSIC/CISESS talks, presentations, and posters given at the event.

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ESSIC Celebrates Maryland Day 2023

On Saturday, April 29, ESSIC faculty and staff gathered to celebrate Maryland Day, the University of Maryland’s largest community outreach event! This was the 25th year that the university held the event, and the 23rd time that ESSIC has participated.

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Jifu Yin presents “Refinement of NOAA AMSR-2 Soil Moisture Data Product using an Optimal Machine Learning Model”

ESSIC Scientists Present at NCWCP-UMD Mini-Conference

Recently, researchers from NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) and University of Maryland gathered for a mini-conference to share presentations from recent conferences such as the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and American Meteorological Society (AMS) annual meetings.

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Joseph Patton's weekly weather bulletin

Lightning Team Gives Weekly Weather Bulletin

ESSIC/CISESS lightning team scientist Joseph Patton posted a weather briefing video summarizing the overall national weather patterns with a focus on Hurricane Ian. The lightning team, which also includes Daile Zhang and Scott Rudlosky, plan to post the videos weekly.

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Kimberly Slinski. Image credit: Kimberly Slinski/Adam Wood/Faye Levine/University of Maryland. Effects by Nuwan Paditha (Click image to download hi-res version)

Predicting Droughts from Space

Kimberly Slinski can’t stop droughts from happening, but she can see them coming. Her warnings help entire regions of the world prepare for water shortages, crop failures and food insecurities that follow severe droughts. As an assistant research scientist in the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, Slinski uses satellite data to monitor water availability in drought-prone regions around the world.

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Zhanqing Li. Image credit: John T. Consoli/Faye Levine/University of Maryland. Effects by Nuwan Paditha (Click image to download hi-res version)

Balancing the Climate Budget

Trying to predict, combat and prepare for climate change is a bit like managing the budget of a major multinational corporation. But instead of knowing where all the money goes, you have to know where all the energy goes. How much sunlight hits the planet?

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