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Figure 1 | Flooding in July 2021 caused mass evacuation in Weihui, Henan province, in China.

Extreme Rainfall Slows the Global Economy

Xin-Zhong Liang was recently published in Nature’s “News and Views” section giving his insight on new research that reported a comprehensive assessment of changes in gross regional product (GRP) relating to excessive precipitation. The study concluded that increases in the numbers of wet days and in extreme daily rainfall dramatically reduces worldwide macroeconomic growth rates.

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English: A top view scene of someone doing some research and going through the pages of a book and using a magnifying glass on it. The scene happens on a wooden background. There are also some other research related items in the scene, such as: sticky notes, pencil, ruler or notebook

CISESS Seed Grant Awards Announced

CISESS has announced four Seed Grant Program awards to help develop transformative research that requires a proof of concept to assist NOAA in recognizing and supporting new topics that eventually will be carried out in CISESS.

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Snow falls over a blurry landscape

Announcing the 2021-22 Annual ESSIC Snow Prediction Pool

With Halloween behind us, wintery temps are fast approaching College Park! This year, we are resurrecting the historic ESSIC Annual Snow Prediction Pool. This is your opportunity to show off your weather prediction skills to your colleagues and earn bragging rights for the entire 2021-22 snow season.

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Ralph Ferraro wears a light blue plaid button-up, smiling in front of a blurred campus background

Ralph Ferraro Named ESSIC Associate Director

Ralph Ferraro, previously the Chief of the NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Satellite Climate Studies Branch (SCSB) and ESSIC Visiting Associate Research Scientist, has been named the Associate Director of Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) starting August 1, 2021.

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Dr. Ellen Williams smiles in a red blazer

Taking on Climate Change

Ellen Williams is an optimist. And she believes in the power of science and technology to help society solve grand challenges, like transitioning to clean energy and combating climate change. Williams, a Distinguished University Professor in the University of Maryland’s Department of Physics and Institute for Physical Science and Technology, approaches these challenges with a broader scope of experience than most.

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The concrete plumes of a power plant emit steam into the atmosphere

Why We Can Have Paris Again

From revoking the permit on the Keystone XL natural gas pipeline to starting the process of reversing Trump-era polices on national monuments, endangered lands and species, and energy exploration, the environment stands near the top of President Joe Biden’s immediate agenda. The centerpiece was an Inauguration Day executive order to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, negotiated by the nations of the world (with key oversight from a Terp) to head off the devastating effects of climate change, from famines to coastal flooding.

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