Scott Rudlosky and Joseph Patton led an AMS short course titled “Accessing and Applying Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations” on January 5 and 6. This two-part course introduced the GLM observations and imagery using GLM flash skeletons and gridded products used by the National Weather Service. Participants were shown how to access archived and real-time imagery before conducting a hands-on exercise illustrating their new-found skills. Additional information can be found at this link: Accessing and Applying Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations.
On January 19th, Melanie Abecassis presented an AMS Short Course entitled “A Tutorial on Ocean Satellite Data Products and Using ERDDAP and R or Python to Access and Work with Satellite Data.” It taught participants how to access ocean satellite data products and how to use other platforms to visualize, subset, download and work with data. More information on this AMS short course is at this link: Tutorial on Ocean Satellite Data Products and Using ERDDAP and R or Python to Access and Work with Satellite Data.