Last month, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) held its annual Fall meeting from December 11 to 15. ESSIC scientists presented and attended both virtually and in-person in San Francisco, CA. The following is a sample (not all-encompassing) of the ESSIC/CISESS talks, presentations, and posters given at the event. The bolded names are the ESSIC-affiliated authors.
Presentations & Talks
- A Combined Passive-Active, Multi-Sensor Approach to Earth’s Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Sounding by Antonia Gambacorta, Rachael Kroodsma, James P Mackinnon, John M Blaisdell, Yaping Zhou, Isaac Moradi, Meloe S Kacenelenbogen, Jie Gong, Mark Stephen, Robert Swap, Alexander Kotsakis, Joseph A Santanello, Robert I Rosenberg, Narges Shahroudi, Edward P Nowottnick, Kenneth Edward Christian, Fabrizio Gambini, and Jeffrey R Piepmeier
- A Comprehensive Forward Model for Spaceborne Radar Instruments by Isaac Moradi, Patrick Eriksson, Alan Geer, Ron Gelaro, Benjamin Johnson, and Patrick Stegmann
- Advancements in Operational SAR Flood Extent and Depth Mapping: Addressing Challenges in Snow, Arid, and Urban Environments on a Global Scale by Qing Yang, Xinyi Shen, Sean Helfrich, William C. Straka, Nicholas C. Steiner, Tyler Ruff, Qingyuan Zhang, Josef Kellndorfer, Wei Hao, Marcello Villa, and Jessie C. Moore Torres
- A multi-satellite framework to rapidly evaluate extreme biosphere cascades: the Western US 2021 drought and heatwave (Invited) by Andrew Feldman, Zhen Zhang, Yasuko Yoshida, Pierre Gentine, Abhishek Chatterjee, Dara Entekhabi, Joanna Joiner, and Benjamin Poulter
- Association between ambient wildfire smoke PM2.5 and cause-specific mortality in the contiguous U.S. by Yiqun Ma, Emma Zang, Yang Liu, Jing Wei, Yuan Lu, Harlan M. Krumholz, Michelle L Bell, and Kai Chen
- Can we Create a Consistent Time Series of Passive Microwave Precipitation Products for Climate Analyses? by Christian Kummerow, Veljko Petkovic, Paula Brown, and Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi
- Early Detection of Severe Events Using Satellite-Based Observations by Peng Yu, Jingjing Peng, Yunyue Yu, Guang-Lin Wei, and Roger Yang
- Enhancing Process-Based Model for Predicting River Water Temperature within the National Water Model Framework by Nigus Demelash Melaku, Christopher W. Brown, and Ahmad Tavakoly
- Estimating Differential Penetration of Green (532 nm) Laser Light Over Sea Ice With NASA’s Airborne Topographic Mapper: Observations and Models by Michael Studinger, Benjamin Eaton Smith, Nathan T Kurtz, Alek Petty, Tyler C Sutterley, and Rachel Tilling
- Evolving Particles in the 2022 Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai Volcano Eruption Plume by Ralph A Kahn, James Limbacher, Katherine Teresa Junghenn, Verity J.B. Flower, Lauren Zamora, and Kathleen F McKee
- Grappling with Uncertainty and Uncertainty Characterizations in Long-Term Global Gridded Precipitation Products (Invited) by George John Huffman, Robert F Adler, Chris C Funk, Eric Nelkin, and Jackson Tan
- High Resolution Simulations of Forest Structure Project Heterogeneous Change Across the North American Taiga-Tundra Ecotone by Amanda Hildt Armstrong, Paul Montesano, Howard E Epstein, Bradley Gay, Elise Heffernan, Batuhan Osmanoglu, Herman Henry Shugart, and Kenneth Ranson
- Improving Simulation of Irrigation in a Global Land Surface Model (Invited) by Matthew Rodell, Hiroko K Kato-Beaudoing, and Sarith P P Mahanama
- Improving Wildfire Smoke Forecast Accuracy: Application of the HYSPLIT-based Emissions Inverse Modeling System (HEIMS) to the 2023 Canadian Wildfire Events by Hyun C Kim, Tianfeng Chai, Sonny Zinn, Shobha Kondragunta, Daniel Tong, Yunyao Li, Mark Cohen, and Christopher Loughner
- In Situ and Earth Observation-Based Monitoring of Ephemeral Ponds in Rangeland Areas of West Africa by Kimberly Slinski, Gabriel B Senay, James Rowland, Shraddhanand Shukla, Erwann Fillol, Bamba Ndiaye, Alkhalil Adoum, Michael E Budde, Amy McNally, Soni Yatheendradas, and Chérif Diallo
- Land Surface Temperature and Albedo Production at NOAA NESDIS by Yunyue Yu, Peng Yu, Yuling Liu, Jingjing Peng, and Lei Ji
- Leveraging Advanced Open-Source-based Tools to Visualize and Understand Precipitation Systems by Malarvizhi Arulraj, Veljko Petković, Lance P. Uymatiao, Huan Meng, and Ralph Ferraro
- Leveraging Observing System Simulation Experiments for Satellite Instrument Design: Advancements and Challenges by Nikki Prive, Isaac Moradi, Erica L McGrath-Spangler, Ron Gelaro, and Steven Pawson
- Long-term Record of Methane Emissions from Biomass Burning by Aihua Zhu, Shobha Kondragunta, Chuanyu Xu, Yongchang Ye, Xiaoyang Zhang, and Fangjun Li
- Machine Learning based investigation of the variables affecting summertime lightning over Southeastern South America by Siyu Shan, Dale J Allen, Zhanqing Li, and Kenneth E Pickering
- Modeling the impacts of fire induced soil hydrophobicity and vegetation disturbances on hydrologic response in the western US by Timothy M Lahmers, Sujay V Kumar, Shahryar Khalique Ahmad, Thomas R Holmes, Augusto Getirana, Elijah Orland, Kim Locke, Nishan Kumar Biswas, Wanshu Nie, and Justin M. Pflug
- Monitoring and forecasting floods across Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) regions of Africa to inform food security outcomes by Md Shahriar Pervez, Michael E Budde, James Rowland, Amy McNally, Kimberly Slinski, James Verdin, Abheera Hazra, and Kristi R Arsenault
- Multiyear ENSO-based crop yield forecasts for early warning by Weston B Anderson, Shrad Shukla, Andrew Hoell, Christina Jade Justice, Brian Barker, Kimberly Slinski, Nathan J L Lenssen, Jiale Lou, Benjamin Cook, and Amy McNally
- NDACC’s role in critical gap-filling for atmospheric monitoring: An international network with 35 years of quasi-global coverage, partner networks & capacity-building. by Irina V Petropavlovskikh, Martine De Maziere, Anne Thompson, and Jeannette Wild
- Precipitation convergence among products: Insights from the latest GPM and GPCP products by Ali Behrangi, George John Huffman, and Robert F Adler
- Real-time Forecasts of Harmful Algal Blooms using Empirical Habitat Suitability Models by Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, Dante M L Horemans, Pierre St-Laurent, Raleigh R Hood, Christopher W. Brown, and Jennifer C. Lin
- Remotely sensed soil moisture can capture dynamics relevant to plant water uptake by Andrew Feldman, Dan Gianotti, Ruzbeh Akbar, Kaighin A. McColl, Jesse B Nippert, N Michele Holbrook, Rolf H Reichle, Joanna Joiner, Dara Entekhabi, Jianzhi Dong, Wade T Crow, Alexandra G Konings, Shersingh Joseph Tumber-Davila, Fulton E. Rockwell, Abhishek Chatterjee, and Benjamin Poulter
- The FEWS NET LAND Land Data Assimilation System (FLDAS): Earth System Modeling and Agroclimatological Analysis to Support Famine Early Warning (Invited) by Kimberly Slinski, Amy McNally, Abheera Hazra, Daniel P Sarmiento, Kristi R Arsenault, Shraddhanand Shukla, and Weston B Anderson
- The Impact of Initialization on Decadal Climate Prediction using the GEOS-MITgcm Coupled Model by Abdullah al Fahad, Andrea Molod, Dimitris Menemenlis, and Atanas l Trayanov
- The Impact of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) on Ozone, Air Quality and Climate Sciences since the Early Nineties. (Invited) by Martine MHJ De Mazière, Irina V Petropavlovskikh, Jeannette Wild, and Anne Thompson
- The large footprint of small-scale artisanal gold mining in Ghana (Invited) by Abigail Barenblitt, Amanda Payton, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Kenneth Aidoo, Charles Kofi Som, Omar Seidu, David Lagomasino, Kofi Asare, Hugo Pigott, Laurent Smeets, and Danielle Wood
- Understanding ENSO driven risks of drought and adverse agricultural outcomes in Afghanistan to support early warning of food insecurity by Shraddhanand Shukla, Andrew Hoell, Weston B Anderson, Gregory J Husak, Brian Barker, Kimberly Slinski, James Rowland, Michael E Budde, Fahim Zaheer, Harikishan Jayanthi, Donghoon Lee, Md Shahriar Pervez, Christina Jade Justice, Amy McNally, and James P Verdin
- Unified Algorithm for advanced aerosol retrievals from the PACE Ocean Color Instrument by Lorraine A Remer, Shana Mattoo, Omar Torres, Robert C Levy, Nai-Yung Christina Hsu, Andrew M Sayer, Vinay K Kayetha, Woogyung Vincent Kim, Yingxi Rona Shi, and Hiren T Jethva
- Unraveling Environmental Factors Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms Using Statistical Models (Invited) by Dante M L Horemans, Jennifer C. Lin, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, Raleigh R Hood, and Christopher W. Brown
- Validation of the Regional ABI and VIIRS based Fire Emissions in High Latitudes Using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Trace Gas Observations by Fangjun Li, Xiaoyang Zhang, and Shobha Kondragunta
- Vertical Structure of Precipitation Systems: Satellite Passive Microwave Sensor Perspective by Malarvizhi Arulraj, Veljko Petković, Huan Meng, and Ralph Ferraro
- What granularity of DEM is recommended to map flood depth from high resolution extent? by Xinyi Shen, Qingyuan Zhang, Qing Yang, Sean Helfrich, Josef Kellndorfer, William C. Straka, Wei Hao, Nick Steiner, Tyle Ruff, and Jessie Torres
- Wildfire Smoke Observations from Space-Based Multi-Angle Imaging: A Comparison of Smoke Particle Properties, their Evolution, and Controlling Factors Within and Between Several Different Biomes by Katherine Teresa Junghenn and Ralph A Kahn
- A Coupled Agricultural Productivity Modeling System for Extreme Events by Jessica Marie Erlingis, Shahryar Khalique Ahmad, Luke Monhollon, Rajat Bindlish, Alexander C Ruane, Gary Feng, Pang-Wei Liu, Meijian Yang, Sujay V Kumar, Zhengwei Yang, and Yanbo Huang
- Aquatic carbon sources and sinks in the Upper Mississippi River Basin and implications for terrestrial carbon accounting by Junyu Qi, Ritesh Karki, Avay Risal, Xuesong Zhang, Kimberly Wickland, and Edward Stets
- Assessing Impacts of Hyperspectral Microwave Observations on NASA’s OSSE Framework by Narges Shahroudi, Isaac Moradi, Antonia Gambacorta, John M Blaisdell, and Robert I Rosenberg
- Calibration and Validation Efforts towards Quality-Consistent OMPS NM and NP SDR Synergistic Data Sets from SNPP through NOAA-21 Satellites by Banghua Yan, Junye Chen, Steven Nicholas Buckner, Jingfeng Huang, Ding Liang, Zhihua Zhang, Likun Wang, C. Trevor Beck, Xin Jin, Sirish Uprety, Lawrence E Flynn, Quanhua Liu, and Warren Porter
- Challenges and Innovative Solutions for PBL Height Retrieval from Spaceborne Backscatter Lidar by Stephen P Palm, Patrick A Selmer, John E Yorks, Edward P Nowottnick, Kenneth Edward Christian, and Meloe S Kacenelenbogen
- Characterizing Deformation and Ridging in Shorefast Ice using ICESat-2 by Kennedy Lange, Alice C Bradley, Kyle Duncan, and Sinéad Louise Farrell
- Constructing an Observationally-Calibrated Blended Snow-On-Sea-Ice Product by Alex Cabaj, Paul J Kushner, and Alek Petty
- Enhanced Deep Blue Aerosol Algorithms for LEO and GEO Satellite Sensors was presented by Jaehwa Lee, Nai-Yung Christina Hsu, Woogyung Vincent Kim, Seoyoung Lee, and Andrew M Sayer
- Enriching PACE Unified Aerosol Algorithm Product with UV Observations by Vinay K Kayetha, Omar Torres, Hiren T Jethva, Lorraine Remer, Robert C Levy, Nai-Yung Christina Hsu, Shana Mattoo, Woogyung Vincent Kim, and Yingxi Rona Shi
- Estimation of ice sheet model state and parameters using an ensemble Kalman filter and Observing System Simulation Experiments by Youngmin Choi, Alek Petty, and Denis Felikson
- Evaluation of ICESat-2 Atmospheric Products Using the CALIOP and CATS Spaced-Based Lidars by Kenneth Edward Christian, Stephen P Palm, Edward P Nowottnick, and John E Yorks
- Exploring Machine Learning Applications in Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrievals by Veljko Petković, Marko Orescanin, Malarvizhi Arulraj, Ralph Ferraro, and Huan Meng
- Geostationary Deep Blue AOD and GEO-LEO merged Deep Blue Product by Woogyung Vincent Kim, Jaehwa Lee, Nai-Yung Christina Hsu, Andrew M Sayer, Paolo Veglio, and Seoyoung Lee.
- GRACE and GRACE data assimilation for studying hydrological extremes and monitoring drought by Bailing Li, Matthew Rodell, and Hiroko K Kato-Beaudoing
- Identification of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Regimes Using a Flexible, Multi-Sensor Deep Learning Algorithm by Alexander Kotsakis, Antonia Gambacorta, Kenneth Edward Christian, Jeffrey R Piepmeier, Joseph A Santanello, John M Blaisdell, Ian S Adams, James P Mackinnon, Edward P Nowottnick, Rachael Kroodsma, William Gregory Blumberg, and Isaac Moradi
- If a Mangrove is “Protected”, is it? Using satellite-borne LiDAR to understand efficacy of protection status in West African mangroves by Abigail Barenblitt, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Atticus Stovall, Celio Helder Resende de Sousa, and Laura Duncanson
- Importance of Radiative Transfer Models in Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Isaac Moradi, Derek J Posselt, Ian S Adams, and Patricia Castellanos
- Integrating remotely sensed functional diversity with a dynamic vegetation model to project forest responses to climate change at continental scales by Andres Baresch, Benjamin Poulter, Fabian D Schneider, Leonardo Calle, Adam Chlus, Marcos Longo, Alexandra Konings, Michelle M Gierach, Philip A Townsend, and David Schimel
- Near-Real Time Land-Surface Modeling to Enable Analysis-Ready GHG Monitoring by Thomas Colligan, Benjamin Poulter, Leonardo Calle, Lesley E Ott, and Colin A Quinn
- Novel Multi-Angle Polarized Submillimeter-Wave Observations of Ice Clouds and Precipitation from the Configurable Scanning Submillimeter-wave Instrument/Radiometer (CoSSIR) by Ian S Adams, Rachael Kroodsma, Matthew Fritts, Yuli Liu, Jie Gong, Lisa Milani, Sarah Ringerud, and Yanqiu Zhu
- On the prediction of surface melt over the Greenland Ice Sheet at NWP and S2S timescales by Richard I Cullather and Lauren C Andrews
- On the role of Indian Ocean SST in influencing the changes in the atmospheric response between 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 La Niña boreal winters by Tao Zhang and Arun Kumar
- Reconciling ozone trend differences between NDACC/WMO ground-based stations and satellite COH with updated LOTUS Regression Model by Jeannette Wild, Irina V Petropavlovskikh, Peter Effertz, Lawrence E Flynn, Richard Querel, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Kari Abromitis, Koji Miyagawa, Eric Beach, Eliane Maillard-Barras, and Robert Damadeo
- Remote Sensing and Modeling View of Wildfire Impacts on Land, Vegetation, and Hydroclimate by Jinwoong Yoo and Joseph A Santanello
- Satellites Reveal Aerosols’ Major Impact on Arctic Cloud Freezing by Lauren M Zamora and Ralph A Kahn
- Snowfall Type Classification for Passive Microwave Retrievals: Evaluation of the Machine Learning Model by Lisa Milani, Veljko Petković, and Marko Orescanin
- Supporting Food Insecurity Early Warning: An Upgraded FLDAS-Forecast System for Continental Africa and the Middle East by Abheera Hazra, Kimberly Slinski, Weston B Anderson, Amy McNally, Daniel P Sarmiento, Kristi R Arsenault, Shraddhanand Shukla, Augusto Getirana, and Sujay V Kumar
- The construction of the PACE-OCI Unified Aerosol algorithm: Merging three heritage algorithms by Shana Mattoo, Lorraine Remer, Vinay Kayetha, Woogyung Vincent Kim, Yingxi Rona Shi, Hiren T Jethva, Omar Torres, Robert C Levy, and Nai-Yung Christina Hsu
- The Planetary Boundary Layer Height Derived from COSMIC-2 and Spire GNSS Radio Occultation Profiles by Guojun Gu, Shu-peng Ho, Xinjia Zhou, Xi Shao, and Yong Chen
- Using Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology (EVDT) to Transfer Science to Action for Biodiversity Management in West Africa by Danielle Wood, David Lagomasino, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Ufuoma Ovienmhada, Abigail Barenblitt, Priscilla Baltezar, and Chigo Ibeh
- Validation of Version 2 VIIRS Deep Blue aerosol products by Seoyoung Lee, Nai-Yung Christina Hsu, Jaehwa Lee, Woogyung Vincent Kim, and Andrew M Sayer
- WetCH4: Machine learning-based Upscaling of Wetland Methane Fluxes for 2000-2022 by Qing Ying, Zhen Zhang, Kyle Andreas Arndt, Gavin McNicol, Lori Bruhwiler, Brendan M Rogers, Benjamin Poulter, Anna Virkalla, Youmi Oh, Susan Natali, and Jennifer Watts
ESSIC scientists also chaired sessions and led townhalls:
- Andrew Feldman alongside Sasha Reed, William K. Smith, and Benjamin Poulter convened and led a townhall called “Drylands in the Earth System: A Community Discussion for Field Campaigns and Emerging Remote Sensing Tools”
- Bailing Li chaired the session “Advancing land surface models for hydrological and environmental applications”
- Veljko Petković chaired the session “Space-Based Precipitation Observations: Innovations for Science and Applications I”