The American Geophysical Society (AMS) held its 104th annual meeting this month from January 28 to February 1 in Baltimore, Maryland. The following is a sample (not all-encompassing) of the ESSIC/CISESS talks, sessions, and posters given at the event. The bolded names are the ESSIC-affiliated authors.
Posters and Oral Talks:
- A case study synthesis of observed and simulated Arctic tundra and boreal biogenic methane fluxes in Alaska and northwest Canada by Luke Schiferl (Presenter), Shannon Reault, Hailey Webb, Abhishek Chatterjee, Róisín Commane, Mary Farina, Elizabeth Hoy, Benjamin Poulter, Jennifer Watts, Qing Ying, and Zhen Zhang
- An Upgraded FLDAS-Forecast System for Continental Africa and the Middle East for Food Insecurity Early Warning by Abheera Hazra (Presenter), Kimberly Slinski, Weston Anderson, Amy McNally, Daniel P Sarmiento, Kristi R. Arsenault, Shraddhanand Shukla, Augusto Getirana, and Sujay V. Kumar
- Assessing TROPICS Pathfinder’s Precipitation Retrieval Performance Through the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) by John Xun Yang (Presenter), Yong-Keun Lee, Shuyan Liu, Christopher Grassotti, Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Kevin Garrett, William J. Blackwell, R. Vincent Leslie, Thomas Joseph Greenwald, and Scott A. Braun
- Assessment of BRDF Effects in Surface Reflectance between GOES-16 and GOES-18 by Lei Ji (Presenter), Jingjing Peng, Peng Yu, and Yunyue Yu
- Chain Aggregate Particles in Mid-to-upper Tropospheric Clouds during IMPACTS – 15 January 2023 Case Study by Christian Nairy (Presenter), David J. Delene, John E. Yorks, and Joseph Finlon
- Characterizing the S-NPP/JPSS ATMS Science Data Long-Term Inter-Sensor Bias by Ninghai Sun (Presenter), Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Hu (Tiger) Yang, Siena Iacovazzi, and Banghua Yan
- Characterizing the Vertical Slope and Maintenance Mechanisms of Mesoscale Snow Bands in Mid-latitude Winter Storms by Charles N. Helms (Presenter), Gerald Heymsfield, and Stephen D. Nicholls
- Construction of Temperature Climate Data Records in Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Using Multiple RO Missions from 2006 to 2023 at NESDIS/STAR by Jun Zhou (Presenter), Shu-Peng Ho, xinjia zhou, Xi Shao, Yong Chen, and Guojun Gu
- Continuing Long-term Global SO2 Data Record with JPSS OMPS Instruments by Can Li (Presenter), Nickolay A. Krotkov, Joanna Joiner, Alexander Vasilkov, Peter J.T. Leonard, Keith Evans, Simon Carn, Colin Seftor, Chris McLinden, Vitali Fioletov, and Nicolas Theys
- Determining Cloud Particle Types During the IMPACTS Field Campaign Using Backscatter Lidar Data and a Clustering Approach by John E. Yorks (Presenter), Joseph Finlon, Patrick Selmer, and Edward P. Nowottnick
- Development of Canopy-App for Atmospheric Composition Modeling Across Scales by Patrick C. Campbell (Presenter), Zachary Moon, Wei-Ting Hung, Irena Ivanova, Barry Baker, Margaret Marvin, Beiming Tang, Quazi Ziaur Rasool, Youhua Tang, Paul Makar, Fanglin Yang, Raffaele Montuoro, and Rick Saylor
- Disentangling Cloud Microphysical Properties from Lidar Backscatter and Depolarization Measurements in Winter Storms During the IMPACTS Field Campaign by Joseph Finlon (Presenter), John E. Yorks, Christian Nairy, Patrick Selmer, and Lynn McMurdie
- Enhancing Volcanic Emission Forecasting Through Data Fusion and Trajectory Analysis: A Case Study of 2022 Hunga Tonga Eruption by Bavand Sadeghi (Presenter), Alice M. Crawford, Tianfeng Chai, Mark D. Cohen, Justin Seiglaff, Michael J. Pavolonis, Hyun Cheol Kim, and Gary Morris
- Environmental Justice in Baltimore, MD: Insight from BC Measurements from a Mobile Laboratory by Russell R. Dickerson (Presenter), Xinrong Ren, Phillip Stratton, and Joel Dreessen
- Evaluation of GOES ABI Channel-to-Channel Registration Accuracy at Sub-Satellite Point by Fangfang Yu (Presenter), Xiangqian Wu, Vladimir Kondratovich, and Jessica Zhou
- Evaluation of NOAA-21 VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Calibration Stability and Biases Using CrIS Observed and Gap-Filled Spectra by Wenhui Wang (Presenter), Xi Shao, Hui Xu, and Likun Wang
- Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Stability and Inter-sensor Consistency with Radiative Transfer Modeling by Feng Zhang (Presenter), Xi Shao, Yong Chen, Tung-Chang Liu, Xin Jing, and Wenhui Wang
- Exploring GOES-R ABI Lunar Image Registration with AI by Linfred Kingston (Presenter), Fangfang Yu, and Xiangqian Wu
- Geolocation Performance Post-Launch Validation by Siena Iacovazzi (Presenter), Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Hu (Tiger) Yang, and Jun Zhou
- Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product for Operational Air Quality Forecasting by Xiaoyang Zhang (Presenter), Fangjun Li, Yongchang Ye, and Shobha Kondragunta
- Impact of the Atlantic and West Pacific Warming on the Interdecadal Increase of Spring Aerosol Loadings in the North Indian Ocean since the early 21st Century by Yongsheng Zhang (Presenter), James Frech, Xuepeng Zhao, and Huai-Min Zhang
- Improving Daily Snow-Depth Analysis from Updated Spatial Statistics by Thomas Michael Smith (Presenter) and Cezar Kongoli
- Intuitive Supercell Visualization Using Virtual Reality by Damian Joseph Figueroa (Presenter)
- Investigating Spire GNSS RO Bending Angle Assimilation Impacts on HWRF Forecasts of Four 2022 Atlantic Hurricanes by William J. S. Miller (Presenter), Yong Chen, Shu-Peng Ho, and Xi Shao
- Key Underlying Dynamics of Ocean-Land-Air Interactions during the Landfall of TS Bill (2015) by Jinwoong Yoo (Presenter) and Joseph A. Santanello
- Land-Atmosphere Coupling Simulation and Its Role in Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction by Yuna Lim (Presenter), Andrea Molod, Randal D. Koster, and Joseph A. Santanello
- Modeling Study of the Effects of Urbanization on Deep Convection, Precipitation, and Lightning Around the Houston Metropolitan Area by Takamichi Iguchi (Presenter), Toshi Matsui, Zhining Tao, Jinwoong Yoo, Eric C. Bruning, and Edward R. Mansell
- NOAA Operational Satellite Snowfall Rate Product to Support Nowcasting by Jun Dong (Presenter), Huan Meng, Yongzhen Fan, Pingping Xie, Aaron Jacobs, Carl Dierking, Emily B. Berndt, Kristopher D. White, and Ralph Ferraro
- Offshore Wind Profile Maps Developed using Machine Learning Techniques over the USA Coastal Region by James Frech (presenter), Korak Saha, Paige Lavin, and Huai-min Zhang
- Public-Private Partnerships can Accelerate the Delivery of Urgently Needed, Accessible Information on Climate Risk by Stephanie Schollaert Uz (Presenter) and Edward J. Kearns
- Reprocessed Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Data Records for Studying Atmospheric Water Vapor Trend by Quanhua (Mark) Liu (Presenter), Christopher Grassotti, Ninghai Sun, Hu (Tiger) Yang, Siena Iacovazzi, XingMing Liang, Yan Zhou, Yong-Keun Lee, Shuyan Liu, and John Xun Yang
- Reprocessing 30 Years of NASA Goddard’s High-altitude Radar Data by Charles N. Helms (Presenter), Gerald Heymsfield, Peter Pantina, and Matt Mclinden
- Satellite Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning by Aihua Zhu (Presenter), Shobha Kondragunta, Chuanyu Xu, Yongchang Ye, Xiaoyang Zhang, and Fangjun Li
- Simulation and Evaluation of Next Generation Microwave Satellite Observation for NWP Application by Zaizhong Ma (Presenter), Katie Lean, David Duncan, Niels Bormann, Ernesto H. Berbery, and Satya Kalluri
- Simulation and Evaluation of Next Generation Microwave Satellite Observation System for Numerical Weather Prediction Applications by Zaizhong Ma (Presenter), Katie Lean, David Duncan, Niels Bormann, Ernesto H. Berbery, and Satya Kalluri
- The Global Hydro-Intelligence Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (GHI-S2S) Forecast System by Kristi R. Arsenault (Presenter), Ryan A. Zamora, Sarith Mahanama, Jerry W. Wegiel, Sujay V. Kumar, Eric M. Kemp, Augusto Getirana, Yeosang Yoon, Abheera Hazra, Mahdi Navari, David M. Mocko, and Ryan Wade
- The Record-Breaking 2023 Canadian Wildfires: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fire Intensity, Fuel Consumption, and Fire Emissions by Fangjun Li (Presenter), Xiaoyang Zhang, Shobha Kondragunta, and Chuanyu Xu
- The Retrieval of Surface Pressure and Wind Speed over Ocean using NOAA-20 ATMS Measurements through a U-Net Machine Learning Algorithm by Yong-Keun Lee (Presenter), Zichao Liang, Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Christopher Grassotti, and Lin Lin
- The volcanic eruption observed by the satellite microwave measurements and the MiRS retrieved temperature profiles: The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption case by Yong-Keun Lee (Presenter), Neil Hindley, Christopher Grassotti, and Quanhua (Mark) Liu
- Toward a Virtual Cloud Chamber by Kwo-Sen Kuo (Presenter), Craig Pelissier, Robert Schrom, William S Olson, Adrian Loftus, and Ian Adams
- Towards Routine Radiance-Based Validation of VIIRS LST Using GDAS Profiles by Yuling Liu (Presenter), Yunyue Yu, and Peng Yu
- Understanding the Uncertainty of Satellite Passive Microwave Precipitation Products (Invited) by Veljko Petkovic (Presenter), Marko Orescanin, Paula Brown, Malarvizhi Arulraj, Christian D. Kummerow, Ralph Ferraro, and Huan Meng
- University of Maryland and NOAA/ARL Collaboration over the Years: Learning how Weather, Climate and Chemistry Conspire to Create Air Pollution by Russell R. Dickerson (Presenter), Xinrong Ren, Dale J. Allen, Timothy P. Canty, Hannah Daley, Hao He, Paul Kelley, Christopher P. Loughner, Winston Luke, Allison M. Ring, Sayantan Sahu, Ross J. Salawitch, and Phillip Stratton
- Using Virtual Reality to Demonstrate the Law of Faraday Cage and Its Applications in Lightning Safety by Ashmita Pyne (Presenter), Guangyang Fang, Damian Joseph Figueroa, and Scott D. Rudlosky
- Visualizing Real-Time Climate Data in Virtual Reality and Its Application in Climatology by Guangyang Fang (Presenter), Damian Joseph Figueroa, Ashmita Pyne, and Scott D. Rudlosky
- WetCH4: Machine learning-based Upscaling of Wetland Methane Fluxes at High Latitudes by Qing Ying (Presenter), Zhen Zhang, Jennifer Watts, Kyle Arndt, Anna Virkkala, Benjamin Poulter, Lori M. Bruhwiler, Luke Schiferl, Youmi Oh, Brendan M. Rogers, Susan M. Natali, Clayton D. Elder, Hillary L. Sullivan, and Olli Peltola
- Why Record-Breaking Extreme Precipitation events tend to occur over Land than Ocean under Global Warming? By William K.M. Lau (Presenter), Kyu-Myong kim, Bryce Harrop, and L. Ruby Leung
- Advancements in Analysis and Prediction of Drought I by Timothy M. Lahmers, Joshua K. Roundy, Molly Woloszyn, Maya Robinson, Jason A Otkin, and Jing Tao
- Session 4 – Horton Lecture by Timothy M. Lahmers, Jing Tao, and Kyle Knipper
- Walter Orr Roberts Lecture by Suzana J. Camargo and Timothy M. Lahmers