ESSIC/CISESS lightning team scientists Joseph Patton and Daile Zhang attended the 2021 Mid-Atlantic ChaserCon, held at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond, VA on November 6th.
The conference aims to provide a forum for meteorologists at National Weather Service, broadcast meteorologists, emergency managers, storm chasers and other professional and amateur meteorologists across the great Mid-Atlantic area to network and discuss local severe storms and promote ideas to raise public awareness of severe weather and emergency management. The lightning team informed meteorologists of the use and value of the NOAA’s Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) gridded products. The meteorologists spoke highly of the operational GLM data as an instrument that continuously observes lightning activity, tracks thunderstorms, and improves severe weather forecasting and nowcasting. Their positive feedback is also helpful for the lightning team to better serve the community.
Joseph Patton is a meteorologist and research scientist specializing in lightning with Dr. Scott Rudlosky. He received his B.S. in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma and his M.S. in Meteorology from Florida State University. Before joining CISESS, Joseph worked for two years as an operational meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Goodland, Kansas. With CISESS, Joseph focuses on applications and training for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in use with the GOES-R satellite program.
Zhang is a postdoctoral associate at ESSIC, focusing on evaluating and assessing space-based lightning sensors such as the GLM.