New Earth System Modeling Textbook by UMD Authors Released

The second edition of the textbook Earth System Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability has just been published by Cambridge University Press. The book was led by the late Eugenia Kalnay, Distinguished University Professor at ESSIC and UMD’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOSC) and co-authored by UMD Visiting Assistant Professor Safa Mote and ESSIC/AOSC Post-Doctoral Associate Cheng Da.


This edition adds a broad introduction to applications across the Earth systems and coupled Earth–human systems, with an expanded range of topics covering the latest developments of variational, ensemble, and hybrid data assimilation methods. New toy models and intermediate-complexity atmospheric general circulation models provide hands-on engagement with key concepts in numerical weather prediction, data assimilation, and predictability. The inclusion of computational projects, exercises, lecture notes, teaching slides, and sample exams makes this textbook an indispensable and practical resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners who work in weather forecasting and climate prediction.


Da is a postdoc associate at UMD ESSIC and Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, working on coupled data assimilation. His research interests are in coupled and satellite data assimilation. Before joining ESSIC in 2022, he obtained his Ph.D. in atmospheric and oceanic science from University of Maryland, focusing on non-Gaussian assimilation of NASA GPM-derived surface precipitation for improved hurricane predictions. Da is also a recipient of the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship since 2018.


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