Researcher: Bob Adler
Grant Sponsor: NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Amount: $113,806
Grant Study: “Global Precipitation Variations and Extremes”
Researcher: James Carton
Grant Sponsor: NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Amount: $123,600
Grant Study: “Exploring Interannual and Longer Variability of Observed Ocean Winds by Merging the Ers1, Ers2 and Quik”
Researcher: Russell Dickerson
Grant Sponsor: STMD-Maryland Department of the Environment
Amount: $102,979
Grant Study: “MDE Research Assistant, FY11”
Researcher: Sujay Kaushal
Grant Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $197,999
Grant Study: “Collaborative Research: The Effects of Watershed Urbanization on In-Stream Transfer”
Researcher: Rong-Hua Zhang
Grant Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $599,998
Grant Study: “Effects of Freshwater Flux Forcing on Interannual Climate Variability and Predictability in the Tropical Pacific”