Scott Rudlosky and his new blog “It’s Severe,” which focuses on severe weather events such as floods, wildfires and lightning, were featured in a Capital Weather Gang article on the Washington Post’s website Monday.
The article, titled “Lightning gone wild during Washington D.C.’s derecho,” focused on lightning as the “second most striking feature” of the storm, behind high winds. Lightning data from the Washington, D.C. Lightning Mapping Array (DCLMA), which Rudlosky works with, was featured in the article – including still photos and an animation of the data.
Rudlosky, a visiting assistant research scientist at ESSIC, told the Washington Post that the derecho’s lightning show “one of the largest I have seen in D.C.”
The blog’s first entry – which was published online Thursday – focused on lightning, partly because of NOAA’s Lightning Safety Awareness Week, which ran June 24 until June 30. You can view the blog here.
View the entire Washington Post article here.