Tag: Atmospheric Chemistry and Carbon

Jiang Helps Publish New Ocean Acidification e-Lecture

A team of researchers including Dr. Liqing Jiang, an assistant research engineer at the University of Maryland (UMD) Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), recently published an e-Lecture entitled “How to Document – Ocean Acidification Data.” The e-Lecture, which can be found on the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ALSO) website, deals with the intricacies of documenting data for the new field of ocean …

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ESSIC’s Ramanathan and Mao attend Workshop in Japan

Work by Anand Ramanathan and Jianping Mao of ESSIC as part of the NASA Goddard CO2 Sounder lidar instrument team was presented at the 12th International Workshop for Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS), held in Kyoto, Japan from June 7-9. Highlights including results from the recent NASA ASCENDS airborne campaign in California and Nevada which showed 3x higher precision in column CO2 measurements, simultaneous column water vapor measurements, and the …

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Li co-authors groundbreaking study on aerosols in the atmosphere

ESSIC / AOSC Professor Zhanqing Li is a co-author of a recently released paper in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which details new methods for determining cloud-base updraft speeds and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations.   Both of these components are key factors in quantifying the microphysical, precipitation, and radiative effects of aerosols at a global scale, something researchers had yet to accomplish due to ineffective and …

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Salawitch collaboration leads to pub in Nature Communications

Congratulations to Ross Salawitch (AOSC / CHEM / ESSIC) and his graduate students Daniel Anderson (AOSC) and Julie Nicely (CHEM), along with AOSC's Russell Dickerson and Timothy Canty, whose research paper, “A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures,” was recently published in the journal Nature Communications. Based on observations from two aircraft missions, satellite data and a variety of models, the researchers showed that fires …

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Li, new AAAS Fellow, known for clearing up cloud mysteries

When writing about Zhanqing Li, the phrase “head in the clouds” becomes high praise. Li, a University of Maryland atmospheric and oceanic science professor and researcher at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), has been delivering insights into the roles of clouds and tiny aerosol particles in the atmosphere for three decades. His recent election as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) recognized his “seminal …

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Salawitch co-authored atmosphere study in latest issue of Nature

ESSIC’s Ross J. Salawitch, a professor in the UMD Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science, co-authored a study on climate change and atmospheric chemistry that received a mention in the Dec. 3 issue of Nature. “The changing ozone depletion potential of N2O in a future climate” by Laura Revell (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich) finds that atmospheric changes could make nitrous oxide twice as destructive to ozone at the end of the 21st century as it was …

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Jiang’s global aragonite study finds threat to corals, other sea life

Corals, calcifying algae and other marine organisms form their shells or skeletons using aragonite, a soluble type of calcium carbonate mineral. But ocean acidification caused by the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide is making it harder for these forms of sea life to get the aragonite they need from the water. Liqing Jiang, an assistant research engineer at the University of Maryland Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), compiled decades of global ocean carbon …

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Mao and Ramanathan part of study in Applied Physics B

ESSIC Researchers Jianping Mao and Anand Ramanathan were part of a recent study that utilized CO2 measurements taken by the passive miniaturized laser heterodyne radiometer (Mini-LHR) at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.  Working in tandem with an AERONET sun photometer that measures aerosol optical depth during daylight hours, the study concludes that the technology offers a low-cost, small, portable sensor to measure atmospheric gases such as ozone, water vapor, methane, ammonia, …

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Ramanathan and Mao present at IWGGMS-11

ESSIC's Anand Ramanathan and Jianping Mao presented column CO2 measurements from the NASA GSFC CO2 Sounder airborne lidar and from the ground-based mini-Laser Heterodyne Radiometer at the 11th International Workshop for Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-11) held at Caltech in Pasadena, CA.  Both measurement capabilities are expected to complement present day measurements such as NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2….

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Li Honored, Speaks at Fall 2014 AGU Meeting

University of Maryland (UMD) ESSIC and AOSC Professor Zhanqing Li was both an extremely active participant and recipient at the annual Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), held in San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2014. As reported this past September, AGU had unprecedentedly honored Li in 2014 with both the Atmospheric Sciences Section’s Yoram J. Kaufman Award and election as an AGU fellow. Although news of the Li's honors were in the public domain as …

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