Tag: Hydrology and Land Surface Processes

A screenshot of the virtual attendees at the summer intern party

CISESS Welcomes Summer Interns in 2022

This past summer, ESSIC’s Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) welcomed 22 interns to assist in the research of 24 ESSIC/CISESS scientists. Of the interns, three were graduate students, 14 were undergraduates and five were high school students. Several of these students were returning interns from previous semesters.

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Lightning as an Indicator of Climate

ESSIC/CISESS scientist Daile Zhang attended and presented at the National Climate Assessment (NCA) “Lightning as an Indicator of Climate” Annual Science Meeting that was held on June 6-7 at the UMD Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC) Atlantic Building. The meeting is an annual working group get-together for people from NASA, University of Arizona, City College of New York, University of Alabama in Huntsville, and University of Maryland on various lightning tasks/projects, including lightning climatology, lightning NOx observations, dry lightning, wildfires, and this year’s NASA Marshall Space Flight Center CubeSpark project.

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Caption: The Water Point Viewer’s current water points stretch from Mali to Somalia.

ESSIC Scientist Expands Water Availability Prediction in East and West Africa

ESSIC Researcher Kimberly Slinski is the Principal Investigator on “Earth Observation-Based Monitoring and Forecasting of Rangeland Water Resources”, a newly funded project that aims to develop new capabilities for monitoring and forecasting water availability in African rangeland ponds. The project team includes Shrad Shukla and Chris Funk of the University of California Santa Barbara, Mike Jasinski of NASA GSFC, and Gabriel Senay of USGS.

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