Tag: Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation

Zhou and Yang Published on New ATMS Geometric Calibration Based on Lunar Images

ESSIC/CISESS Scientists Jun Zhou and Hu Yang recently published an article in the journal Atmospheric Measurement Techniques titled “A Study of a Two-Dimensional Scanned Lunar Image for Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) Geometric Calibration”. The article describes a new technique they developed to validate the on-orbit beam pointing accuracy of the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) on NOAA-20 by using a 2D scanned lunar image captured during a spacecraft pitch-over …

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Vintzileos Monitors Heat Events and Health on New Website

This has been a summer of record-breaking heat waves, both in the United States and across the world.  Last month, several European countries that usually enjoy temperate summer conditions have hit all-time heat records, with temperatures reaching up to 108.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat waves can be incredibly dangerous, especially for vulnerable populations like children and the elderly.  All over the world, health officials are urging people to stay home and hydrated to protect their…

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School of Public Health/ESSIC Study Finds Climate Change Linked to Seasonal Allergies

Climate change might be worsening your spring allergies, reports a new study from University of Maryland researchers including ESSIC Professor Raghu Murtugudde. Using data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the researchers calculated the median spring start date (the “start-of-season” date) for each county in the contiguous US between 2001–2013.  This data was then compared with findings from the National …

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SMOPS Blended Soil Moisture Product Improves Land Model Simulations

ESSIC/CICS Assistant Research Scientists Jifu Yin and Jicheng Liu as well as Post-doctoral Associate Mitchell Schull have a new paper out in Water Resources Research titled “An Intercomparison of Noah Model Skills With Benefits of Assimilating SMOPS blended and Individual Soil Moisture Retrievals”. The paper compares blended and individual microwave satellite soil moisture data from Soil Moisture Operational Product System (SMOPS) and evaluates the benefits of assimilating blended and …

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ESSIC/CICS Scientists Travel to Italy for Satellite Observation Meeting

Last week was the annual meeting of the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS), an international collaborative effort to monitor, improve, and harmonize observations from the Global Observing System weather and environmental satellites. The meeting, held in Frascati, Italy, included a “Mini-Conference” on calibration activities outside of GSICS as well as reports, briefs, and discussions on the GSICS Research Working Group, GSICS Data management Working Group, and GSICS …

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Yin, Liu Develop Optimally Blended Drought Index

ESSIC/CICS Assistant Research Scientists Jifu Yin and Jicheng Liu have a recent article published in Water Resources Research titled “A Method for Objectively Integrating Soil Moisture Satellite Observations and Model Simulations Toward a Blended Drought Index”. The researchers write about the development of a method to objectively integrate widely available satellite soil moisture retrievals into a single accurate and reliable optimally blended drought index (BDI). Compared to official …

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Yatheendradas, Liu’s Assimilation Efficiency article in EOS Research Spotlight

ESSIC Assistant Research Engineer Soni Yatheendradas and ESSIC/CICS-MD Assistant Research Scientist Jicheng Liu recently collaborated on a study titled “The Efficiency of Data Assimilation” published in the EOS Journal Water Resources Research. In the piece, the authors offer a framework to quantify information loss from data assimilation through measuring information in models, observations, and evaluation data. The piece was highlighted in a recent EOS Research Spotlight that details …

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