![Figure 1: NCEI regional climatologies completed to date marked on the sea surface temperature field from World Ocean Atlas (WOA18). The abbreviations of the regional climatology names are: ARC - Arctic Regional Climatology, EAS - East Asian Seas, GINS - Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian Seas; GOM - Gulf of Mexico version 2; NEP - Northeast Pacific, NNP - Northern North Pacific; NWA - Northwest Atlantic, and SWNA - Southwest North Atlantic.](https://essic.umd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/alexey1.png)
High-Resolution Regional Ocean Climatologies with the Northwest Atlantic as an Example: A Review
ESSIC scientist Alexey Mishonov is lead author on a new paper in Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography titled “High-Resolution Regional Ocean Climatologies with the Northwest Atlantic as an Example: A Review”.