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Month: July 2023

Sampa Das poses for the camera

Sampa Das Receives 2023 Robert H. Goddard Honor Award

ESSIC Research Scientist Sampa Das has been selected as a recipient of the 2023 Robert H. Goddard Honor Award, NASA’s Center-level award selected annually by an awards committee based on the nominations from the peers. Das received an award under the category of “Excellence in Science”. She is one of the 9 individuals selected for 2023 across the Sciences and Exploration Directorate.

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Bull Run flows into Occoquan Drinking water reservoir (Photo by Sujay Kaushal)

A New Way to Monitor Water Quality

A new study led by Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) scientist Sujay Kaushal introduces a new way to think about water quality monitoring along urban streams that could help researchers more accurately track pollutants across waterways.

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Figure 5. (a, b) The analysis RMSE under full-coverage observing network for the atmosphere (a) and ocean (b) with the SC 3D-VAR (green), 4D-Var (blue), 4D-Var/3DFGAT CERA (cyan dash), 40-member ETKF (red), and 20-member ETKF (gray) for the last 1000 d. Time-averaged analysis RMSE for the last 13.7 years for all methods are shown in the figure. Panels (c) and (d) are similar to (a) and (b) except for only assimilating atmosphere observations. Adapted from Penny et al. (2019) and Da (2022).

Towards Strongly Coupled Ensemble Data Assimilation

A team of international researchers led by ESSIC Scientist Distinguished University Professor Eugenia Kalnay and including Dr. Cheng Da recently reviewed their latest research progress on coupled data assimilation in a new paper published in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics titled, “Review article: Towards strongly coupled ensemble data assimilation with additional improvements from machine learning”.

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Daily examples for the refined AMSR-2

Improving Soil Moisture Retrieval with AMSR2

ESSIC/CISESS scientist Jifu Yin is the first author on a two-part series published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing on refining the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) soil moisture retrieval algorithm. The paper’s co-authors include ESSIC scientists Jicheng Liu, Huan Meng and Ralph Ferraro.

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Figure: Schematic diagram showing the primary physical processes that are associated the interactions between the increased aerosol loading over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and South Asian monsoon (left part with blue arrows) and East and East Asian monsoon (right part with green arrows) in June. SCS is the abbreviation for South China Sea.

Relationship Between the Aerosol Loadings Over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea in the Early Summer and Asian Monsoon Rainfall Anomalies, and the Role of SST Anomalies in the Indian Ocean

ESSIC/CISESS Scientist Yongsheng Zhang recently published a study on the year-by-year
aerosol variations over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and Arabian Sea (AS) in early spring and their
relationship to the Asian summer monsoon rainfall anomalies using satellite-observed aerosol

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Building & Deploying Tools to Better Observe Lightning in the Washington D.C. Region & Beyond

In January 2022, ESSIC/CISESS Scientist Daile Zhang won a CISESS Seed Grant to evaluate NOAA’s Geostationary Lightning Mappers (GLMs) on the GOES-16 and -17 Satellites and the upgraded Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA) using a network of low-cost and innovative atmospheric electricity and lightning measurement tools to take lightning videos. Recently, the initial Seeds Grant period ended and Zhang reported her results.

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