ESSIC Celebrates Summer Interns

On August 20-23, ESSIC hosted 52 interns both in-person and remotely for the Summer Intern Presentations. The interns, composed of both high school and undergraduate students, were tasked with presenting their summer accomplishments and research results in 5-minute lightning talks. Many of their mentors were in attendance to support them and provide introductions, sharing how proud they are of their intern’s impactful work.


On August 20-21, 22 CISESS interns presented in-person and 19 presented remotely. This hybrid approach allowed for CISESS collaboration across the country. One group presentation involved five interns from three different states who worked together on lighting observations and analysis of storms across the US.

Lauren Johnson presents "Drought Replication Skill using NOAH-MP and Observed Vegetation"
Lauren Johnson presents "Drought Replication Skill using NOAH-MP and Observed Vegetation"
Thomas Huitema presents "Development of CYGNSS Soil Moisture using a Machine Learning Model"
Thomas Huitema presents "Development of CYGNSS Soil Moisture using a Machine Learning Model"
The interns who presented remotely (1/2) (Underage interns censored)
The interns who presented remotely (1/2) (Underage interns censored)
The interns who presented remotely (2/2)
The interns who presented remotely (2/2)
The interns and mentors who presented in-person for the 2024 CISESS Intern Presentations (underage interns are censored)
The interns and mentors who presented in-person for the 2024 CISESS Intern Presentations (underage interns are censored)

On August 23, Climate Resilience Network (CRN) held its very first summer intern presentations. This summer marks the first CRN Summer Internship Program, led by CRN Education Innovation Coordinator Jennifer Collins. CRN supported nine interns working on a variety of CRN projects, from testing water quality in College Park’s Watts Creek to mounting more sites for the Maryland Mesonet.

Ross Clark presents "How are Solute, and Sediment Fluxes affected by Storms?"
Katherine Lehman presents "The Influence of Chesapeake Bay on Regional Meterology: A Study of Bay-Breeze Events Using Mesonet Networks"
Katherine Lehman presents "The Influence of Chesapeake Bay on Regional Meterology: A Study of Bay-Breeze Events Using Mesonet Networks"
The interns, mentors, and CRN staff who attended the 2024 CRN Intern Presentations
The interns, mentors, and CRN staff who attended the 2024 CRN Intern Presentations

All of the interns’ slides will be shared at a later date on the CISESS website’s Students’ Page and the CRN’s Intern Hub. Their end-of-summer reports will also be compiled and shared.


While both intern programs come to an end on Friday, 23 August, the benefits to the interns and mentors will continue to be realized moving forward. CISESS has a record number of interns continuing to work during the fall semester. Including new hires and continuing interns, CISESS-UMD will have 27 fall interns (and possibly more) being funded by their mentors’ own grants.