ESSIC Assistant Research Scientist Julie Nicely is principal investigator on a project, titled “A Diagnostic Package to Facilitate and Enhance Chemical Mechanism Implementations Within Regional and Global Atmospheric Chemistry Models”, that just earned an EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grant for Chemical Mechanisms to Address New Challenges in Air Quality Modeling.
The study, which builds on recent findings of the project team, aims to build a diagnostic software package and a chemical mechanism emulator that use machine learning algorithms for analyzing, comparing, and emulating chemical mechanisms. The diagnostic software package will identify the key elements of a chemical mechanism to aid the future development of air quality models. The chemical mechanism emulator can be used as an alternative, computationally inexpensive method to simulate atmospheric chemistry.
Nicely recently joined ESSIC after being a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics branch. Her research focuses on using observations and models to improve our understanding of the chemistry that takes place in Earth’s atmosphere. Her team is also composed of Christoph Keller from Universities Space Research Association, Melanie Follette-Cook from Morgan State University, and Daniel Tong from George Mason University and UMD’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science.To read the press release announcing this award, click here.