Lau, Li, Tao Find Link Between Western Wildfires and Global Warming For the last few years, life on the West Coast of the United States has been marked by wildfires. Most recently, August lightning storms For the last few years, life on the West Coast of the United States has been marked by wildfires. Most recently, August lightning storms
A paper co-authored by ESSIC Research Scientist William Lau, Professor Zhanqing Li, scientist Weichen Tao, and AOSC Graduate Student Lei Zhang was recently published in Geophysical Research Letters.
ESSIC Visiting Associate Research Professor Ariana Sutton-Grier has a new paper out in Science of the Total Environment about the impact of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity.
In March, a large region of very low ozone opened up above the Arctic, rivaling the historic Antarctic ozone hole that forms in the southern hemisphere each year. Extensive regions of low column ozone in the Arctic is a rare event that came about due to a very cold polar stratospheric vortex, which caused the formation of high altitude clouds and ozone-destroying reactions.
ESSIC Scientist Ross Salawitch recently visited Montgomery School in Chester Springs to speak to seventh and eighth grade students about climate change.
An international team led by researchers at the University of Maryland and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has created the most high-resolution maps to date showing changes in the pH of seawater since the Industrial Revolution began. Their study, published in the December 9, 2019 issue of the journal Nature Scientific Reports, suggests that the ocean’s capacity to continue absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is diminishing.
UMD geologist contributes to analysis that suggests current climate models can accurately predict climate warming several decades into the future
Early this month, India’s coastline was struck by Cyclone Fani, one of the strongest cyclones India has experienced in 20 years, according to a press release