Tag: Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation

Isaac Moradi smiles for the camera, wearing a red gridded button-up and a red tie

Moradi to Assimilate Measurements from Active Spaceborne Radars

ESSIC/CISESS Associate Research Scientist Isaac Moradi is the PI of a proposal selected by NASA ROSES to assimilate measurements from active spaceborne radars into NASA GEOS model. The project will benefit from CloudSat CPR and GPM DPR observations and will be conducted in collaboration with Co-Is from NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office and the Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory.

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A snowy McKeldin Library with a sign that looks like a face mask that says "Terrapin Strong"

ESSIC Recognizes Distinguished Faculty and Staff

As a now traditional part of the ESSIC end-of-year Holiday Party, two annual peer awards were presented to honor the year’s Best Paper and the Employee of the Year. This year, Director Ellen Williams presented these awards to Toshi Matsui, Associate Research Scientist, as well as Donna Gray, Coordinator, and Luther Clark, IT Coordinator.

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Isaac Moradi, wearing rimless glasses and a red shirt and tie, smiles at the camera

Moradi Convenes and Chairs Three AGU Sessions

ESSIC/CISESS Associate Research Scientist Isaac Moradi is convening and chairing three sessions at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, occurring virtually this year due to COVID-19. The sessions are “Data Assimilation, Reanalysis, and Observing System Simulation Experiments I”, “Data Assimilation, Reanalysis, and Observing System Simulation Experiments II Posters”, and “Calibration and Validation of Satellite Earth Observation Systems I Posters”.

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A satellite image of a tropical storm raging along an undefined shoreline

Moradi Develops Novel BMCI Technique

ESSIC/CISESS Associate Research Scientist Isaac Moradi recently published a paper in Monthly Weather Review titled “Assimilation of satellite microwave observations over the rainbands of tropical

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