Two animations made by Yongzhen Fan’s team using their snowfall rate product showing the evolution of the two winter storms.
Credit: Yongzhen Fan
Last week, NOAA NESDIS held a two-day virtual workshop on “Precipitation Estimation from LEO Satellites: Retrieval and Applications”. The workshop was organized by CISESS Consortium Scientist Kuolin Hsu at University of California, Irvine through a task funded by NESDIS’ Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program Office. The primary goal of the workshop was to determine future satellite observation requirements for global precipitation. The workshop had nearly 100 participants for each of the four sessions that spanned two days.
ESSIC Deputy Director Ralph Ferraro and Huan Meng (SCSB) were session chairs and also on the organizing committee. ESSIC Scientists Velkjo Petkovic and Yongzhen Fan were two of the meeting’s rapporteurs.
The session’s speakers from ESSIC and CISESS included:
- Chris Kidd, “Satellite Global Precipitation Measurement: The Story So Far”
- Chris Grassotti, ““MiRS Precipitation Estimation from LEO Observations at NOAA: Performance, Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities”
- Yongzhen Fan, “NOAA-NESDIS Snowfall Rate Product – Achievements, Challenges, and the Way Forward”
- Olivier Prat (CISESS-NC), “Applications of Precipitation Climate Data Records”
- Viviana Maggioni (George Mason University), “Modeling errors in satellite-based precipitation products: Past Achievements, Present Situation, Future Developments”
Several other ESSIC and CISESS (including consortium members) participated. A workshop report will be assembled as well as a meeting summary for the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.