Youtong Zheng, ESSIC/CISESS Post-doctoral Associate, has been awarded the prestigious Yuxiang Early Career Award in recognition of his research and achievements. This award is administered by the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (COAA) and the PIESAT Information Technology, Co., Ltd.
The Yuxiang Early Career Award aims to recognize outstanding Chinese and Chinese-American young scholars in oceanic and atmospheric sciences and related fields. It also provides financial support and career opportunities for the awardees in order to promote further development of oceanic and atmospheric sciences and related fields.
Zheng is a postdoctoral associate in the ESSIC. His main research interests are observation, remote sensing, and theory of cloud-topped boundary layer. He is currently working with ESSIC/AOSC Professor Dr. Zhanqing Li on topics related to cloud-surface decoupling processes over the Southern Ocean and their impacts on aerosol cloud-mediated effect.
The awards will be presented at the COAA Dinner Reception during the AMS 2020 annual meeting. Each awardee will receive a certificate and a check of $2,000.