ESSIC/CISESS Post-doctoral Associate Daile Zhang helped organize and attended the first International Lightning Safety & Protection Meeting, which was held on June 24th and 25th, 2020 over Zoom.
For the first time, over 30 organizations from 12 countries got together to share their work and discuss potential future collaborations on lightning safety awareness education and protection. Special attention was given towards lightning safety in developing countries such as some places in Africa and south Asia.
Zhang also helped create a YouTube channel for the International Lightning Safety & Protection Council. A recording of the two-day event can be found on the channel.
Daile Zhang received her Ph.D. degree in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. During her PhD, she studied lightning physics and lightning detection under Dr. Ken Cummins, a world-leading lightning scientist. Currently, she is a postdoctoral associate at ESSIC, focusing on evaluating and assessing space-based lightning sensors such as the Geostationary Lightning Mappers (GLMs) on GOES-16 and 17. Daile is passionate about lightning and thunderstorms and photographing them.
To see Day 1, click here.
To see Day 2, click here.