Over 20 ESSIC/CISESS scientists and students attended this year’s AGU conference and many more contributed to talks and poster presentations. The talks included:
- Sinéad Farrell, Exploring the Potential for ICESat-2 Observations to Advance Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice (Invited);
- Sinéad Farrell, From ICESat to ICESat-2 via IceBridge: New Insights into a Changing Sea Ice Cover (Invited)
- Nai-Yu Wang, Potential GNSS-R CYGNSS Land Applications for NOAA’s Hydrological Predictions;
- Ronald Vogel, NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch Stakeholder Engagement Methodology Supports Regional Environmental Decision-Making Through Collaborative Satellite Data Applications;
- Ellen Buckley, Sinéad Farrell & Kyle Duncan, Sea Ice Melt Pond Properties as Observed by ICESat-2;
- Li Fang & Mitch Schull (coauthors), Relative Merits of Machine Learning and Physical Approaches for Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Using Satellite Observations;
- Alexey Mishonov & James Reagan (coauthors), Improved Estimates of Ocean Heat Content for Understanding the Earth’s Energy Imbalance;
- Jeannette Wild (coauthor), Stratospheric Ozone Recovery: Summary of the SPARC/WMO/IO3C LOTUS Analyses;
- Augustin Vintzileos, A Heat and Health-Impact Oriented Monitoring and Prediction System
- Hugo Berbery, Ralph Ferraro, Mitchell Schull, Christopher Hain, & Eli Dennis, Can high-resolution satellite information help improve our understanding of the water cycle over complex terrain? (Invited)
Daile Zhang had a CISESS E-Lightning interactive electronic poster called Within-Flash Time Evolution of Cloud-Top Optical Emissions: Implications for Satellite-Based Lightning Observations;
The posters included:
- Li Fang & Mitchell Schull, An Evapotranspiration Data Product at 2km resolution from NOAA GOES-16;
- Christopher Grassotti & Yong-Keun Lee, Preliminary Development and Assessment of the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System for Tropical Cyclones (MiRS-TC) : A Passive Satellite Microwave Retrieval Algorithm Optimized for the Tropical Cyclone Environment;
- Katherine Lukens & Kayo Ide, Assessment of Stratospheric Balloon Observations towards Assimilation in NOAA’s GSI-based Global Data Assimilation System;
- Alexey Mishonov & James Reagan, Decadal Variability Of The Gulf Stream North Wall Position And Its Connection To Ocean Heat Content;
- Jun Dong & Cezar Kongoli, Recent Development in NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications;
- Jifu Yin & Nai-Yu Wang, Near Rear Time 1 km SMAP Soil Moisture Data Product for Potential Use in National Water Model;
- Eli Dennis & Hugo Berbery, Simulating Regional Climate: What is the Role of Soil Texture?;
- Jeannette Wild, Ozone recovery as detected in NOAA Ground-Based and Satellite Ozone Measurements;
- Tianning Su, A New Method To Retrieve PBLH from Lidar under Different Thermodynamic Conditions: Algorithm Development and Application;
- Jeannette Wild (presenter and coauthor), Validation of SAGE III/ISS Ozone with NOAA OMPS and Ground-based Instruments;
- Kayo Ide, Ling Liu & Katherine Lukens (coauthors), Exploring Potential of Loon Stratospheric Balloon Instrument Hosting Capability;
- Yongsheng Zhang & Korak Saha (coauthors), Scientific Data Stewardship for NOAA Oceanographic Satellite Observational Products;
- Cezar Kongoli and Chris Grassotti (coauthors), Evaluation and Blending of AMSR2 and ATMS Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals over the Conterminous United States;
- Xingming Liang (coauthor), Advancing the Integrated Calibration and Validation System (ICVS) for Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS);
- Xingming Liang (coauthor), Re-assessing Lifetime Geolocation Performance of CrIS aboard Suomi-NPP with ICVS;
In addition, several ESSIC/CISESS scientists chaired sessions at the conference:
- Kayo Ide, Advances in Data Assimilation, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification.
- Jifu Yin, Remote Sensing Applications for Water Management and Extremes Prediction;
- Sinéad Farrell, Properties and Processes of Sea Ice: Understanding Interannual Variability and Dynamic Change;
- Daile Zhang, Thunderstorm Electrification, Lightning Meteorology, and Advances in Instrumentation and Methods for Atmospheric Electricity Applications;