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Jifu Yin presents “Refinement of NOAA AMSR-2 Soil Moisture Data Product using an Optimal Machine Learning Model”

ESSIC Scientists Present at NCWCP-UMD Mini-Conference

Recently, researchers from NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) and University of Maryland gathered for a mini-conference to share presentations from recent conferences such as the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and American Meteorological Society (AMS) annual meetings.

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Two animations made by Yongzhen Fan’s team using their snowfall rate product showing the evolution of the two winter storms.

Virtual Workshop on “Precipitation Estimation from LEO Satellites: Retrieval and Applications”

Last week, NOAA NESDIS held a two-day virtual workshop on “Precipitation Estimation from LEO Satellites: Retrieval and Applications”. The workshop was organized by CISESS Consortium Scientist Kuolin Hsu at University of California, Irvine through a task funded by NESDIS’ Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program Office. The primary goal of the workshop was to determine future satellite observation requirements for global precipitation. The workshop had nearly 100 participants for each of the four sessions that spanned two days.

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Snow falling around some pine trees

Evaluation of Snowfall Retrieval Performance of GPM Constellation Radiometers Relative to Spaceborne Radars

Several current and former ESSIC/CISESS scientists are co-authors on a new paper in Journal of Hydrometeorology titled “Evaluation of Snowfall Retrieval Performance of GPM Constellation Radiometers Relative to Spaceborne Radars”. Former ESSIC scientist Yalei You was first author on the paper. Current ESSIC/CISESS scientists on the paper are Veljko Petkovic, Lisa Milani, John Yang, and Guojun Gu.

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Observed GPCP precipitation trend (mm day-1 per decade) during (a) 1979-2014 and (b) 1979-2020. (c) AMIP6 and (d) CMIP6 historical full forcing simulated precipitation trend (mm day-1 per decade) during 1979-2014.

Observed Variability and Trends in Global Precipitation During the Satellite Era

ESSIC/CISESS scientists Guojun Gu and Robert Adler have a new article in Climate Dynamics that examines changes in global precipitation during the satellite (post-1979) era using the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) V2.3 monthly precipitation analysis. They compared GPCP data with results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) and the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP5) with the goal of improving current understanding of the effects of major physical mechanisms on precipitation change. They also aimed to assess the skills of current climate models and discover some clues for diagnosing possible limitations in observed precipitation.

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Figure: (Top panel) Rain-Rate predicted by eTRaP and observed by MRMS. (Bottom panel) Scatter plot and estimation metrics for Tropical Storm Fiona between September 18, 2022 12 UTC to September 19, 2022 12 UTC.

NPreciSe Evaluation of eTRaP during Tropical Storm Fiona

Tropical Storm Fiona struck Puerto Rico on September 17-18, 2022 causing catastrophic floods and leaving most of the island with a major power outage. Fiona is the first Atlantic storm this season to cause a major disaster. NPreciSe (NOAA Satellite Precipitation Validation System) led by the CISESS science team (Malar Arulraj, Veljko Petkovic, Ralph Ferraro, and Huan Meng), evaluated the performance of the Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP) forecasts during this event, using a recently added Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) observation product over Caribbean Islands.

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